I'm glad you are ok, Terry! I am 100% with you...outdoor music festivals sound like my own little version of hell these days. I can't handle the heat or the people or the bugs (though everyone else would love having me there, because all the mosquitos would leave THEM alone) or even the Port-A-Potties. I used to pride myself on being the kind of girl who wasn't too prissy to use them. Now they just gross me out, to be honest, though I think it's partly because I need something to hold onto when I go!
There is a wonderful, highly-regarded festival near my hometown (the Nelsonville Music Festival, if you're curious). I have never been to it. My husband announced recently that he wants to sign up as a vendor next year, as it would be a good demographic for his artwork. I would do anything for that man, and I will do this, but he will owe me, big time. At least we'll have a pop-up tent, and lots of water.