You're light years ahead of any of that tripe, Sherry. I'm sad for the people whose pea brains can only handle such shallow writing.
I'll always love Medium because it got me started writing again. I'll always, um, remember News Break because it allowed me to pay off my car. I haven't been hustling for followers there, because I'm embarrassed to tell my friends and family "hey, look - I'm writing on this new platform but it's really just a bunch of regurgitated stories you've already seen before, so...."
Medium helped me realize I needed a place for my voice to be heard, even by just a few people. Folks like you helped me realize I need a community.
I sometimes get bitter about the listicle kings and queens (and believe me, my husband has heard many a rant) and their unbelievable and unfair success, but mostly I just try to ignore them. If I think about it too much, I truly fear for the future of the world.